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Flower Care

Flower Care

Certain varieties of fresh flowers last longer than others. Tropicals, for example, can remain vibrant for long periods while roses have a shorter vase life. Each are prized for their delicate beauty. When buying fresh flowers be sure to ask how long you should expect your flowers to last. Whatever variety you choose a little TLC will go a long way to keep your blooms looking fresh longer. Here are a few handy hints and tips that can help add days to the beauty of your fresh flowers.


What Is Flower Food & Why Use It?

Flower food is a combination of additives that help to nourish the flowers and discourages bacteria from growing in the water. It is one of the best, and easiest, ways to extend the life of our flowers. It is very important to follow the directions on the package correctly. Improperly mixed floral food can do more harm than good.


Essential Care

Keep your fresh flower arrangement in a cool spot (65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit, 18 to 22 degrees Celsius), away from direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, direct drafts from a ceiling fan and the tops of televisions and radiators. Appliances, even TV's, can give off heat and cause your flowers to dehydrate. Be sure to keep them away from fruit.


Care For Flowers Arranged In Wet Foam

If your flowers arrive in wet floral foam be sure to keep the foam soaked in water treated with flower food. Be sure to follow the directions on the package.


Care For Flowers Arranged In A Vase 

Keep the vase filled with water and if the water should become cloudy replace the water. As your flowers age cut the flowers stems an inch or two with a sharp knife to keep them drinking. (Using scissors will "crush" the stems.) Remove foliage that will be below the water line. Leaves that remain in the water will promote bacteria growth and will harm the flowers.


Flower Arrangements Containing Woody Stems & Branches

Cut the stems with sharp pruning shears, (not scissors). Place in warm water containing fresh flowers food to promote opening of blooms and blossoms.



Plant Care

Air Plants

Temperature - 50 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Light - Indirect medium to bright light. A great spot would be 5 to 10 feet from a sunny window. Water - Once a week or every two weeks submerge plant (not the flower if there is one) in a bowl of water for 10 to 20 minutes then let air plant dry well. In hotter climates submerge longer or more frequently, once every month for a 2 hour soak and let dry. Light misting helps keep the plant happy. Great places to keep an air plant are in the kitchen and in the bathroom.


Green Plants

Each specimen requires a different level of light, consult your florist for the proper care of your species. Watering regularly and ensuring there is proper drainage will keep your green plants healthy, and will promote new growth. Care should be taken that your plant is not sitting in a pool of water as this will drown the plant. Each specimen requires different levels of watering and you should consult your florist directly about your plant variety. The ideal temperature range for indoor green plants is 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 



Temperature - 50 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Light - Bright and high levels of light. Great locations are sunny windows with 3 - 4 hours hours of sunlight. Water - Once a week and a light watering.



Orchid Care

Orchid Care

Orchid plants at Twigs Florist are artistically designed to compliment an home or business that need a sophisticated touch. General care for Phalaenopsis, and other types, of orchids are minimal. This make them the perfect low-maintenance gift. The temperature range that these orchids thrive is 65 - 85 degrees Fahrenheit and the blooming time depends on the watering amount, light, and air quality. Follow our simple orchid care tips to keep your orchid thriving!



The most common issue that any plant owner runs into is overwatering. Overwatering will cause root rotting and will inevitably kill the plant, the same applies to an orchid plant. To avoid this, gauging the moisture level of the soil, mulch or moss before watering is important. Once you bring your plant home, avoid watering for one week, then proceed to water once a week.

To check the moisture level stick your finger about an inch deep into the potting mix near the base of the plant. If it feel moist, check back again in a day or two or until the mix is on the drier side. It is fine for an orchid plant to be a bit on the dry side. If slight wrinkling of the leaves is seen this means the plant is being underwatered. 


The Ice Cube Technique

A simple way to gauge water levels is by using the ice cube technique. When it is time for watering place 3 - 5 ice cubes around the base of the orchid plant. The cubes will slowly melt and seep into the potting mix, giving enough time for the roots to drink and avoid excess water from pooling at the bottom of the container. 


Blooms & Leaves

Orchid plants thrive in 50% plus humidity levels. Every time you water your orchid spritzing the blooms will maximize the plant's potential. For further care, every now and then, preferably once a week, wiping the leaves with a moist paper towel to get rid of dust will allow the plant to breathe better.


Light Levels

Bright indirect sunlight is the preferred light level for orchid plants, although low light levels are fine as well. 


Repotting Orchids

It is time to repot your orchid plant when it stop blooming - never repot when it is in bloom. More reasons to repot your plant...when there is lack of plant or bloom growth, yellow foliage, damaged roots or when the roots grow over the edge of the pot. At least once every year orchid plants need to be repotted with new planting materials so that your plant can re-bloom and space to grow, Bring your orchids in and we can help you repot them so that you can enjoy your plant longer.




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